Quotes from The Sceptical Structures of Max
It is a hard realization, suppressed by us according to all the clichés of psychology, that we owe our present prosperity to the theft of unborn generations.
"Entropy: in the inorganic field of our everyday experience, a law applies that systems left to their own devices can only change in such a way that they shift from a state of higher order to a correlating lower order."
"Many of our tools are weapons in nature."
“Every healthy person is capable of producing the goods to satisfy their basic needs for housing, clothing, and food, given they are provided with workspace, tools, material, and masterly guidance and are prepared to work unlimited hours.”
"The most widespread state of consciousness of mankind today is characterized by the control loop."
"Only a breach of the despotism of competition, of currency, of market and consumer economies, is able to break the cycle. ‘Freedom’ remains an empty word until this has occurred."
"The essential vital function of plants is assimilation, i.e., the absorption of sunlight as life energy."
"We tend to see fruit as a guarantee of the continued existence of an unchangeable species—as the essential manifestation of the plant."
“Thus, the phony change of consciousness demanded today begins as a genuine change of attitude; today’s illusory values, such as fashion, comfort, status symbols, prestige thinking, and leisure are dethroned, and the evaluation of all human activity in money is exposed as inhuman.”
“The driving force behind young people’s work would not only be their immediate needs but certainly, to a large extent, their desire to be able to carry out meaningful activity for the duration of unemployment.”